What is a “Smart Subdivision?”

In some subdivisions, certain styles are in high demand. Generally, the higher the demand for a specific type of housing in a specific area, the more favorable the monthly appreciation.

Make no assumptions about where you are about to “move your money.” Our Velocity Reports reveal historical patterns of local market DNA. The common question investors and relocation buyers ask is “will this geographical area Depreciate, be a Neutral rate of return, or will it show Appreciation in property value?”

You Are Moving – So Is Your Money!

There are migration trends that can provide intel regarding a market’s DNA. When you combine; days on market, price shifting, ratio to sale price, volume of sellers to buyers, and other factors you can establish a Velocity Score for that property.

Can you earn another $187,000 in 7 years?

The difference between 3% and 7% appreciation per year on a $450,000 home can be $186,000 in just 7 years!

As we help clients find more home inventory through our L.E.A.P. properties home search, we also help them manage their money. We look at micro areas like a mutual fund, so you can track how a neighborhood or subdivision has performed historically, to get an idea of what your investment might return in the future and take the guesswork out of what a “fair price” might be.

 Legal Disclaimer. We are not financial advisors. This information is not to provide financial advice.