Is Your Off-Market Property a Match for Our Buyer Pool?

We have 4 initial criteria we are seeking for our relocation buyers.


Move in Ready Condition


Property Available in 30-60 Days


Area is Appreciating Minimum of 3% Per Year


Property is Priced Correctly (according to both market and property conditions)

Many Clients in our “Buyer Pool” have short deadlines to make a purchase decision. We often preview and evaluate properties in advance of a property showing.

As a promise to the corporations we serve, the relocation firms and the individual client, we evaluate properties to determine if they are priced correctly based on their features and “market momentum.”

First our Field Associate will gather initial “intel data”, then preview the property and produce a field summary report. The Field Associate views the property from the “buyer’s perspective.” The Senior Analyst will review the field report and

several other market indicators to determine if the property is priced correctly based on features and market conditions. (We have evaluated over 2,500 properties across the USA).

Buyers who relocate across the country, or even across the globe, generally have a sense of urgency; therefore, require property to be previewed by an agent or another party. Local buyers do not always close on a property. Relocations buyers are have the highest probability of closing.

Our Analysis is a Four Step Process


Gathering intel on the property.


View the property and the competition.


Review field study with analyst to determine market value and if the property is a match for our buyer pool.


Conference call with the analyst and home seller.

Show and possibly sell the property.